Welcome to the world of Lekker Lekker

We're bringing new-world wine to Europe, that breaks free from tradition and travels light, in one of the most sustainable kinds of packaging possible.

Learn more about our wine

F*cking ace wine

We partner with winemakers who believe that wine is made in the vineyards, so they let their grapes party hard in soil and sun, and it shows in every sip. Single-block, small batch, grown with more love and less intervention.

Explore our winemaking friends
A lekker lekker can in the wild

Metal AF – Cans for Mother Nature

Full-throttle un-bottled. Aluminium is infinitely recyclable, allowing us to source far-flung wine, with a much smaller carbon footprint for the environment.

Stock our wines

Consciously canned. F*cking delicious. period. that's Lekker lekker.